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Pokémon Single Card: Nivi City Gym Deck 023 Pokédex
Pokémon Single Card: Nivi City Gym Deck 022 Switch
Pokémon Single Card: Nivi City Gym Deck 021 Pewter City Gym
Pokémon Single Card: Nivi City Gym Deck 020 Full Heal
Pokémon Single Card: Nivi City Gym Deck 017 Revive
Pokémon Single Card: Nivi City Gym Deck 016 Potion
Pokémon Single Card: Nivi City Gym Deck 015 Recall
Pokémon Single Card: Nivi City Gym Deck 014 Energy Retrieval
Pokémon Single Card: Nivi City Gym Deck 012 Brock's Rhyhorn
Pokémon Single Card: Nivi City Gym Deck 011 Brock's Onix
Pokémon Single Card: Nivi City Gym Deck 010 Brock's Onix
Pokémon Single Card: Nivi City Gym Deck 009 Brock's Golem
Pokémon Single Card: Nivi City Gym Deck 008 Brock's Graveler
Pokémon Single Card: Nivi City Gym Deck 007 Brock's Geodude
Pokémon Single Card: Nivi City Gym Deck 006 Brock's Geodude
Pokémon Single Card: Nivi City Gym Deck 005 Brock's Mankey
Pokémon Single Card: Nivi City Gym Deck 004 Brock's Sandslash
Pokémon Single Card: Nivi City Gym Deck 003 Brock's Sandshrew
Pokémon Single Card: Nivi City Gym Deck 002 Brock's Vulpix
Pokémon Single Card: Nivi City Gym Deck 001 Brock's Zubat
Pokémon Single Card: S4 Astonishing Volt Tackle Sword & Shield Japanese 082 Duraludon
Pokémon Single Card: S4 Astonishing Volt Tackle Sword & Shield Japanese 081 Aegislash VMAX
Pokémon Single Card: S4 Astonishing Volt Tackle Sword & Shield Japanese 080 Aegislash V
Pokémon Single Card: S4 Astonishing Volt Tackle Sword & Shield Japanese 069 Drapion V