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Pokémon Single Card: Scarlet & Violet SV2a Pokémon 151 Japanese 020 Raticate
Pokémon Single Card: Scarlet & Violet SV2a Pokémon 151 Japanese 019 Rattata
Pokémon Single Card: Scarlet & Violet SV2a Pokémon 151 Japanese 018 Pidgeot
Pokémon Single Card: Scarlet & Violet SV2a Pokémon 151 Japanese 017 Pidgeotto
Pokémon Single Card: Scarlet & Violet SV2a Pokémon 151 Japanese 016 Pidgey
Pokémon Single Card: Scarlet & Violet SV2a Pokémon 151 Japanese 014 Kakuna
Pokémon Single Card: Scarlet & Violet SV2a Pokémon 151 Japanese 013 Weedle
Pokémon Single Card: Scarlet & Violet SV2a Pokémon 151 Japanese 012 Butterfree
Pokémon Single Card: Scarlet & Violet SV2a Pokémon 151 Japanese 011 Metapod
Pokémon Single Card: Scarlet & Violet SV2a Pokémon 151 Japanese 010 Caterpie
Pokémon Single Card: Scarlet & Violet SV2a Pokémon 151 Japanese 008 Wartortle
Pokémon Single Card: Scarlet & Violet SV2a Pokémon 151 Japanese 007 Squirtle
Pokémon Single Card: Scarlet & Violet SV2a Pokémon 151 Japanese 005 Charmeleon
Pokémon Single Card: Scarlet & Violet SV2a Pokémon 151 Japanese 004 Charmander
Pokémon Single Card: Scarlet & Violet SV2a Pokémon 151 Japanese 002 Ivysaur
Pokémon Single Card: Scarlet & Violet SV2a Pokémon 151 Japanese 001 Bulbasaur
Pokémon Single Card: Scarlet & Violet SV2D Clay Burst Japanese 071 Therapy Energy
Pokémon Single Card: Scarlet & Violet SV2D Clay Burst Japanese 070 Badlands of Disaster
Pokémon Single Card: Scarlet & Violet SV2D Clay Burst Japanese 069 Iono
Pokémon Single Card: Scarlet & Violet SV2D Clay Burst Japanese 068 Saguaro
Pokémon Single Card: Scarlet & Violet SV2D Clay Burst Japanese 067 Courage Charm
Pokémon Single Card: Scarlet & Violet SV2D Clay Burst Japanese 066 Delivery Drone
Pokémon Single Card: Scarlet & Violet SV2D Clay Burst Japanese 065 Flamigo
Pokémon Single Card: Scarlet & Violet SV2D Clay Burst Japanese 064 Maushold