Hyper Japan Festival 2022: Recap

Posted by Kado Collectables on

As quickly as the Hyper Japan Festival returned to the UK, it was over - from spectacular shows to maid cafe's, Saki to Chainsaw Man, HJF had it all! 

We would like to firstly start off by saying "thank you" to all of the wonderful people we met at the event. Ryan and I enjoyed every single interaction we had and the event could not have been a success if it wasn't for all of you. We had some amazing highs for the day, putting faces to names as well as making new friends that I'm sure we will bump into in the future too! 

 You may (or may not) have been aware of the many impromptu vlogs posted by Ryan over the course of the event, if you've missed any of them, you can find the, below: 



If you have any photos of the Kādo stand or with the guys, please send them across to us as we would love to keep a repository of our events here. For now, here's a selection of our favourite images over the Festival:


Hyper Japan Festival 2022

Hyper Japan Festival 2022

Hyper Japan Festival 2022

 Hyper Japan Festival 2022

Hyper Japan Festival 2022

Hyper Japan Festival 2022



@kadocollectables It's Hyper Japan Festival this weekend, we hope you have the chance to come and say hello 👋 °°°°#CharizardVSTAR #ArceusVSTAR #BattleRegion #Pokemon #Pokemon25 #PokemonCards #JapanesePokemonCards #JapanesePokemon #PokemonTCG #PokemonUK #PokemonEngland #Arceus #Charizard #PokemonGame #TradingCard #TCG #JapaneseTCG #PokemonAnniversary #Palkia #Dialga #TimeGazer #ShopKado #ShinjiKanda #KadoCollectables #GiratinaVSTAR #Giratina #HyperJapanFestival2022 #lostabyss ♬ original sound - Kādo Collectables
@kadocollectables Day two of Hyper Japan, you know where to find us (at the back T076/077).°°°#CharizardVSTAR #ArceusVSTAR #BattleRegion #Pokemon #Pokemon25 #PokemonCards #JapanesePokemonCards #JapanesePokemon #PokemonTCG #PokemonUK #PokemonEngland #Arceus #Charizard #PokemonGame #TradingCard #TCG #JapaneseTCG #PokemonAnniversary #Palkia #Dialga #TimeGazer #ShopKado #ShinjiKanda #KadoCollectables #GiratinaVSTAR #Giratina #HyperJapanFestival2022 #lostabyss ♬ original sound - Kādo Collectables
@kadocollectables the final day of Hyper Japan, of you've not found us, here's a trusty walk-through! °°°°#CharizardVSTAR #ArceusVSTAR #BattleRegion #Pokemon #Pokemon25 #PokemonCards #JapanesePokemonCards #JapanesePokemon #PokemonTCG #PokemonUK #PokemonEngland #Arceus #Charizard #PokemonGame #TradingCard #TCG #JapaneseTCG #PokemonAnniversary #Palkia #Dialga #TimeGazer #ShopKado #ShinjiKanda #KadoCollectables #GiratinaVSTAR #Giratina #HyperJapanFestival2022 #lostabyss ♬ Japanese Lofi - HYGH Lofi Music & Lobit & Cooky

You can check out our upcoming events that we will be attending here. For now, please know that we enjoyed every second of exhibiting at the Hyper Japan Festival 2022 and will be looking forward to the next one! 


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